Moose Hunts
Moose Hunting in Alberta
Alberta is home to the Canadian sub-species of moose, larger than the Shiras moose in body size but smaller than the famous "Alaska-Yukon" moose. Ranging from 800-1400lbs. Where we hunt these moose, they are found anywhere from clear-cut blocks of forest with new vegetation to the River beds and everywhere in between. During the rut, bulls are in search of cows which makes them much more likely to come into our calls making this one of the most exciting hunts you will ever experience. The possibility of seeing a mature bull is likely but never guaranteed as weather conditions and intensity of the rut are major factors in the movement of these moose.
The Hunt
A typical day in camp consists of waking up well before day light, having breakfast and heading out to our favourite spots for day break. You can expect to travel with your guide on his/her atv stopping at various locations to glass or call. You may also paddle quietly down the river hopping to see a bull around that next bend. River conditions change from year to year. If the river is too low we are less likely to use the boat for hunting but it does allow us to cover more ground in a shorter amount of time with atv's. Typically, everyone will head back to camp for lunch and a little rest before the evening hunt. On occasion, our camp cook will pack lunches allowing those who choose to stay out all day long, to do so. When the days hunt is over you’ll be arriving back at camp well after dark to a hot dinner before calling it a night.
Where We Hunt
Our moose hunting territory is located in the North-Western corner of Alberta along the British Columbia border about 300km south of the North-West Territories. Home to these moose are large swamps/muskegs and long winding river systems. Specifically, we are located on the Chinchaga River, one of the most windy rivers in all of Alberta. Diversity of this area is sure to make this a physically demanding hunt. We also hunt a number of cutlines, pipelines, clear-cut forest blocks, and large ponds where we are most likely to find more fresh moose sign such as tree rubs, and wallows indicating that there is one or more rutting bulls in close proximity.
What To Expect
Hunters planning on flying, your destination will be the Grande Prairie, Alberta airport. From there, you will need to rent a vehicle and drive to our main camp. Upon airport arrival directions directly to camp will be provided. Hunters will arrive at our main camp and we will transport everyone along with their gear into moose camp which is approximately 25 miles by truck and 6 miles by atv. Once in camp hunters will get settled into one of our comfortable wall tents, all provided with cots and all necessary bedding.
Travel Requirements: https://apos.ab.ca/Hunt/TravelRequirements
**Hunters who want to take all meat home, driving is your only option.**